
Luceats’s AI and Convolutional Neural network powered video analytics solutions delivers actionable, tailored and trusted intelligence from any camera* source.

It can be deployed on-premises for real-time analysis and in the cloud for post-event investigations

Any Video Source

Our next-gen algorithms work on video from any digital video source, including any type of mobile camera*

Near Real Time

Analyze an unlimited number of camera* in near real time for a wide array of multi-class detections and events. VISILYTICS delivers total-environment intelligence


Execute video investigations at 20x speed, save thousands of man hours, and collect videos from staff or the public with a click of the button

Customized Analytics

Luceats cutting-edge deep learning platform supports customizable analytics aligned to your business requirement

Beyond Face Recognition

Industry-leading face recognition and 80+ object detection search is just a drop in the bucket of our capabilities. We deliver world-class multi-class detection powered by deep learning to the end user

Robust Rules Engine

Create real-time alerts and alarms around multi-class detections, zones of interests, face recognition, object detection and more

Visilytics Core Components

Object Detection

Form of computer vision that recognizes objects in an image or video and finds them. Currently model has been trained to detect over 80 objects from video feeds

Object Tracking

Object Tracking is a discipline that seeks to track objects as they travel through a sequence of video frames in computer vision.

Object Recognition

Recognition of objects is a form of computer vision for recognizing objects in pictures or recordings. The main consequence of deep learning and machine learning algorithms is object recognition.

Near Real-Time Video Analytics

Video cameras produce overwhelming amounts of data, so surveillance teams sometimes can’t manually review the stored footage to perform a post-incident report.

Triggering Real-Time Alerts

Personalized real-time warnings that are activated when unusual behavior is observed may need a response, and video recognition technology increases situational awareness.

1. Anomaly Alerting

Based on deviation from standard and trained video model, anomalies are identified and alerted in real time.

2. Appearance Similarity Alerting

Based on entity appearance resemblance requirements, video surveillance operators may customize a warning.

3. Object Recognition Alerting

Intelligence services may use it to quickly identify faces, 80+ objects in real-time, based on digital images extracted from video or images

4. Count Based Alerting

Alerts can be activated when, within a given period, a certain number of objects (vehicles or people) are observed in a pre-defined location.
